5304 WARREN'S WAY is a Residential (4 Families or less) property with 0 sq/ft of space. Taxes are $0 annually. This property was built in and is owned by BIRNBERG LOUISE who lives at 5304 WARREN'S WAY. The building description is and land description is .
Block | Lot | Qual |
313.06 | 6 | C0059 | Owner | Owner Address | Owner City/State/Zip |
BIRNBERG LOUISE | 5304 WARREN'S WAY | WANAQUE, NJ 07465 | Property Class | Square Ft | Year Built |
2 - Residential (4 Families or less) | 0 |
Year | Owner | Land Assessment | Building Assessment | Total Assessment | Exemption | Assessed |
2016 | BIRNBERG LOUISE | $0 | $12,500 | $12,500 | $0 | $12,500 |
Properties Near
Street Address | Owner | Block | Lot | Qual | Class |
5300 WARREN'S WAY | JANSSE GLORIA | 313.05 | 3.00 | 2 | |
5301 WARREN'S WAY | FARBER LEVERNE & JUDITH | 313.05 | 5 | C002D | 2 |
5301 WARREN'S WAY | FARBER LAVERNE & JUDITH | 313.05 | 3.01 | 2 | |
5302 WARREN'S WAY | VAKSMAN ELIAHU & SHOSHANA | 313.05 | 3.02 | 2 | |
5303 WARREN'S WAY | GARBUTT JOANN D | 313.05 | 3.03 | 2 | |
5305 WARREN'S WAY | RYAN ROSEMARY | 313.05 | 5 | C0093 | 2 |
5305 WARREN'S WAY | RYAN ROSEMARY | 313.05 | 3.05 | 2 | |
5306 WARREN'S WAY | ALBANESE MARY | 313.05 | 3.06 | 2 | |
5307 WARREN'S WAY | DORFMAN DOUGLAS R TRUSTEE | 313.05 | 3.07 | 2 | |
5308 WARREN'S WAY | GLAUBER SANDRA TRUSTEE | 313.05 | 3.08 | 2 | |
5309 WARREN'S WAY | ORAPELLO MARYANN TRUSTEE | 313.05 | 3.09 | 2 | |
5309 WARREN'S WAY | ORAPELLO MARYANN TRUSTEE | 313.05 | 5 | C0095 | 2 |
5309 WARREN'S WAY | ORAPELLO MARYANN TRUSTEE | 313.05 | 5 | C003C | 2 |
5311 WARREN'S WAY | COOPER TRUDY | 313.05 | 3.11 | 2 | |
5311 WARREN'S WAY | COOPER TRUDY | 313.05 | 5 | C003D | 2 |
5312 WARREN'S WAY | BOJCIK MICHAEL & HELEN | 313.05 | 3.12 | 2 | |
5313 WARREN'S WAY | SLATER ROBERT TRUSTEE | 313.05 | 3.13 | 2 | |
5314 WARREN'S WAY | KANDLER STEVEN & ILENE | 313.05 | 3.14 | 2 | |
5315 WARREN'S WAY | LEBOWITZ,HOWARD & ADELE | 313.05 | 3.15 | 2 | |
5315 WARREN'S WAY | LEBOWITZ HOWARD & ADELE | 313.05 | 5 | C003E | 2 |
5315 WARREN'S WAY | LEBOWITZ HOWARD & ADELE | 313.05 | 5 | C0083 | 2 |
5316 WARREN'S WAY | KHOURY CARMELLA | 313.05 | 5 | C0050 | 2 |
5316 WARREN'S WAY | KHOURY CARMELLA | 313.05 | 3.16 | 2 | |
5317 WARREN'S WAY | LEVINE MURRAY & ELEANOR | 313.05 | 3.17 | 2 | |
5318 WARREN'S WAY | FLEISIG ALLEN & SANDRA | 313.05 | 3.18 | 2 |
The property-related information for 5304 WARREN'S WAY, WANAQUE, NJ displayed on this page is obtained from public records from WANAQUE, NJ and other sources. While such information is thought to be reliable, it is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. njtaxrecords.net makes no warranties or representations whatsoever regarding the quality, content, completeness, accuracy or adequacy of such information and data. We last updated our database for 5304 WARREN'S WAY, WANAQUE, NJ from public sources on 2016-06-29 06:26:28 UTC.